visiting eureka

i had a great few days of visiting the therapeutic boarding school in eureka, montana. the owners/directors gave me a thorough tour of the school, the local town, and the surrounding area. one better not blink when driving through eureka or you’ll miss it! it’s a quaint little town, located in a valley and surrounded by mountains in basically all directions. i had lots of discussions/interviews with the directors (who are also the owners), ate meals with the girls/staff, played soccer with the students, went on a long walk with one of the owners and her dogs to see several lakes in the area and to chat about the school, and the other owner took me flying in his personal plane! he loves to fly and has a small plane that he parks at the local airstrip. he flew me over the campus, the town, and then we flew along the river that borders glacier national park. so beautiful. most of the peaks are already snow capped. i didn’t take many pictures since after all it was a job interview, but i snuck in a few 🙂  

the owner's plane that he took me up in

sporting the headset

viewing glacier national park from the plane

glacier national park (notice the black dot on the top left corner. it has been on my lens for several months and shows up in the pictures. bummer)

the result of the quick trip was that i was offered the job; after talking with family and friends, i have decided to accept the position. in other words: i am moving to montana! i am really excited to be one of the case managers at the school and i couldn’t imagine saying no to this opportunity. my main role will be to serve as liason between students/parents/therapists and to do informal counseling and relationship building with the girls. i will also be spending the night in one of the student houses two nights a week, which will be nice for spending extra time with the students. and i will get to be a part of weekly “adventure days” which include hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, skiing, canoeing, etc. and…i will be the girls’ high school soccer coach! i am especially excited about this. we will play other therapeutic boarding schools – how awesome is that?! 🙂 and i will get to be an assistant running coach of sorts. and…can you tell i’m excited? i know it won’t be easy, but i am thankful that not only is the job search over, but that i found a full time job that seems like a great fit. FYI: they asked for a minimum of a 2 year commitment, so let me know if you want to visit montana some time in the next few years!

i have a lot of logistics to sort out in the next 2 weeks…such as buying a new car, finding housing, packing up my life, and more. i plan to drive out after thanksgiving and start work december 2nd(ish). thanks for being interested and for your prayers during this job searching process.

did i mention that i’m moving to montana?! it’s still soaking in…