about us: R & C

welcome to “life is lekker” – a place for sharing on a variety of topics and everyday life happenings. our names are randy and carrie; we got married in june of 2012 and live on 5 acres in northwest montana. we recently purchased our home and land, and we look forward to putting in a garden, getting pigs, getting chickens, and more.

this blog is a way for us to share pictures and aspects of our life. you will often find posts about cooking, hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, gardening, our dog, holidays and more.  we love Jesus, we love each other, we love our families, we love our friends and we love nature. we try to eat as much food from our gardening and hunting endeavors as possible.  we like to think of being modern day homesteaders. when we’re really dreaming big, we dream of owning a farm to table bed and breakfast. it’s fun to dream.

we enjoy learning through others and welcome your thoughts.

as for the title of the blog, “lekker” is a european word (german, dutch, and other languages use it) that has no direct translation but ultimately means “indescribably good.” it is often used to describe foods or how your day went, but we feel that overall, life is lekker!

thanks for stopping by!
