goals for 2013

i’m not a big new year resolution person. i usually casually come up with a few but i’ve never been too serious about it. i guess i come up with goals/ideas throughout the year. here’s what i’ve got so far (theses are mostly related to gardening/cooking sorts of things though i did think beyond that!):

  • grow squash and pumpkins
  • improve my bread making skills
  • learn how to crochet
  • make more soap
  • harvest an egg from our backyard (not sure if this will happen…we’re currently crunching the numbers to see if raising chickens is truly worth it or if it’s significantly cheaper to simply buy quality eggs. that said, i really want chickens :))
  • volunteer more
  • run a marathon (maybe! my last one was painful and i’m not sure i want to put in the time again)
  • catch more fish
  • harvest an elk (this will be a goal of mine until it happens)
  • make more jam

i asked randy if he had a any new year goals and he said, “i’d like to build a long range rifle for hunting.” figures 🙂